bob svihovec

The latest book by
bob svihovec.

The Shining One


ONE: World Hope

Deep within the nearest far away place, there is a gathering of eternally vigilant guardians, monitoring the universe of constant change.

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The Ritual Cat

By binding a distracting monastery cat, a habit, which over the years, turned into a ritual, eventually imprisoned more than just the troublesome cat.

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Little Blue

Sometimes a discovery ignites a passion. It expands our horizons. A young penguin breaks away from tradition and pursues his dream.

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Writer's bio

When asked, what one does for a living, Bob Svihovec responds that he is a storyteller and animator with a deep interest in ancient mythology. These epic themes help us to manifest a new vision for a more purposeful life. They are beyond words, beyond images, inspiring us to transcend beyond our fixed convictions. A background in traditional cell animation began in New York many waves ago. His time has been spent raising a brood of his own and further developing the stories which touch our hearts. He is living the dream, (with the help of a few close wellsprings in the wilderness.) We are never too old to listen to the child inside.

“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: The hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.

That is the pattern of the myth, and that is the pattern of these fantasies of the psyche.”

Joseph Campbell, The Hero With a Thousand Faces